President G. W. Bush signed the Second Chance Act (SCA) into law on April 9, 2008.

The SCA was designed to improve outcomes for people returning to society from prisons and jails.  By providing whatever is necessary so that they will not re-offend.

These are some of the Success Stories made possible by the SCA and
The Harriet Tubman Safe House... 
More to come...

David Scott 

David Scott did 25 years and his family stood with him through the whole walk, he was paroled on June 6, 2012 to the Crest Program then the Plummer Center.  He left the Plummer Center on Friday, November 30, 2012.

David Scott would like to thank the following for doing what was necessary to facilitate his release.

First to Carl C. Danberg, Commissioner, for all the good work he is doing in the prison system. 
Beau Biden of the Attorney General's Office for not protesting his release from the parole board.  He will not let you all down.
Dwight Holden of the Parole Board for the work he is doing for the guys who have been incarcerated before 1990 under the Old Law especially for all the work he for me.  Also, Warden Perry Phelps of J. T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna, Ron Holsterman head of Treatment who has the inmates evaluated so they can get ready for parole, Kenneth Milbourne, Supervisor MDT Board and Ms. Carol Evans the Deputy Warden of the Crest and the Plummer Center for all the help she is there.  Everyone speaks very highly of her.

David Scott referred Lee Fisher, who was released first, to contact the Harriet Tubman Safe House to see how it works.

David Scott wast Baptized on Friday, February 1, 2013 by Pastor Bullock at Cannan Baptist Church.
Dwight Holden, who used to be head of the parole board, is the man lowering him into the water.
Deacon Murphy (a good man) is standing next to him. Once a month the Deacon buys two packs of toilet paper and paper towels for our Safe House.
He fully supports the Harriet Tubman Safe House.

Joe Johnson at very top in from of the women

On the left is Joe Johnson one of out praying warriors he prays for everyone that is in need especially all of the inmates in prions.

This is a picture of a guy I was taking to Philadelphia to go to a Treatment Facility at the Amtrak train station.  When I found I was a little bit short of the ticket. Along came Senator Tom Carper and overheard my conversation and he gave me the fifty cents I was short to purchase the ticket to get him off to Philadelphia.

Lee Fisher 

Lee Fisher came to HTSH from James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in April 2009 and stayed for 90 days.  I told him with his experience he could probably attend Delaware Technical and Community College and become a Drug and Alcohol Counselor.  Also, that he could attend for FREE since he was over sixty (60) years old.  Presently he is living at Lazarus House and going to Del Tech in Wilmington, studying to become a Drug and Alcohol Counselor. He is expected to graduate sometime in 2012. He is presently working at Gateway House as Service Coordinator. Mr. Fisher did over thirty three (33) years in prison from Delaware to New York.

Delaware Technical and Community College  --

Gateway House --

Below are pictures of Mr. Fisher  in his office at Gateway House.  In the picture on the left (standing) is Robert Victor whom I recently picked up from Smyrna.  Mr. Victor did eighteen (18) years and is doing fine, he is ninety (90) years old.  These pictures just go to show how well your life can be when you get it together.

Gateway House  --

This is Lee Fisher working at The Gateway House doing what ever needs to be  done.    He did 33 years from New York to Delaware.  He was able to clean up his life and you can to.

Robert Victor 

David Berry 

Robert Victor came to the Harriet Tubman Safe House and stayed for a little over a year.  He was sentenced by the courts to attend our re-entry program.  When his time was up he moved on to the Sunday Breakfast Mission.

Jeff Mays 

David Berry came through the Harriett Tubman Safe House and stayed for about six months. This is what can happen when GOD gets in your life. Hear him testify at the web site below .

Jeff Mays was incarcerated in Delaware for three years and then sixteen years in Florida.  He corresponded with Mr. Earl W. Woodlen, Jr. for several years and when released in Florida came to Delaware to the Harriet Tubman Safe House's Re-Entry Program. It was not long until he was back on his feet and moved on.

Jeff says that without Mr. Woodlen's assistance all this would have taken a considerable more time to accomplish and he is grateful to him for his assistance.  Mr. Mays runs a construction business today and is doing well.  He stops by and visits whenever he gets the chance.  Here he is relaxing with his bass guitar.

Darryl Friend did twenty (20) years at JTVCC and when released came to the Harriet Tubman Safe House on February 20, 2010 and stayed for six (6) months.

He moved on to the Sunday Breakfast Mission and is there today doing fine... Update... Darryl has completed the two (2) year Program and has Graduated in April 2012.

Donald Julius 

Donald J. Julius

The Reverend Robert W. Daniels called me and asked if I was able to help Donald Julius with a place to stay for awhile and help him with anything that he may need assistance with.

I picked Donald at the Porter Center in Wilmington, Delaware and brought him to the Harriet Tubman Safe House.

Mr. Julius is doing fine now beginning to get his life in order.  He attends meetings with Reverend Daniels and also has fellowship at Canaan Baptist Church where Dr. Christopher Allan Bullock is pastor.

You can visit Canaan's web site at:

Ellis Briggett 


 Ellis Briggett is a man that I sent to a Treatment Program over two (2) years ago.  He stayed in Treatment for awhile then came back and became a client in my re-entry program.  After a brief stay with us he is doing good and not looking back.

Carlos Inostroza Hernandez

Carlos Inostroza Hernandez

This is what happens when you come through the safe house.  You get working, you get all your fines paid and you get off probation then you move on with your life.  Now he has a truck and running his own landscaping business.  That is a success story.

 Mathews Moses

He did 13 years and when released he got his life together .  He works as a flagger these days and is moving on with his life.

This is brother Matthew Moses far left in the picture.

Tyron did time for ten (10) to fifteen (15) years.  Then his brother took him to Philadelphia where he programmed at a few places to straighten his life out. He has been there now for over five (5) years.  His mamma was praying for him the whole time and it has paid off, she is proud of him now and what he has become.

Below is Anthony W. Baker, Jr. aka as Tony Bonds.

Below is Anthony W. Baker, Jr. aka as Tony Bonds.


He is a sixty-two year (62) old man who was born in the Philadelphia/Delaware area. He attended Ursuline Academy, Holy Spirit School and St. Peters private school growing up. As a young man he loved sports and outdoor activities until he got involved in drugs and the life. He struggled for many years with his addiction which started at the age of fourteen using heroin. He spent many years in prison because of his drug use.  He completed dozens of Addiction Programs to try and address his addiction.  He was an only child and got caught up in everything through his peers.He now has experience in drug counseling which he hopes to use to help others. Although he was always in trouble he still strived to be a better person. Today he is semi retired from local 199 as a skilled individual. He is currently attending Delaware Technical Community College for Computer Science and Human Services.I watched Tony as a young boy with loafers on and wonder how he could dress so nice when I was a little kid in Dunleith who wore dollar ninety nine cent plastic sneakers because my Mon was very poor. She worked in a white lady's house for $15 dollars a day, $75 dollars a week back int the late sixties says Earl Woodlen

Tony showed up one day when the snow was half way up the door outside my house and said to me I want to be a part of what you are doing in the community. He then grabbed a shovel and presided to shovel snow all the way from the front of the house to the back without complaining at all. I was proud of him that day and still even more proud today for what he is trying to achieve

The website to local 199 in Wilmington, Delaware:

 Below is the house where Tony Bonds grew up in Dunleith off of Rogers Road, in New Castle, Delaware. Tony looked out for me when I was young.  I was a little guy back then and when bigger guys jumped on me Tony and the others would help me fight or to get out of one. On the other hand if whoever was picking on my was my size them made me fight for myself. They all were like big brothers to me.  They took care of me the best they could back then.  Now that I am a man I am taking care of them as best I can showing them a better way of life instead of just hustling on the streets, and it is legal.

Anthony Dean did ten (10) years in Prison. When he was released he went to Project Forever Striving in Pennsylvania for eighteen months (18). Now he is working as a flagger in Wilmington, Delaware, he back home now.

I picked up Mark (left) from James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna about three (3) years ago.  He stayed in my re-entry program for about six (6) to eight (8) months before moving on.  While he was hear he applied for and received Medicaid, Food Stamps and got a physical and HIV test to check on his health.  Mark volunteered for Connections for awhile, then after seeing something in Mark Connections hired him.

Daniel (right) came here homeless with no where else to go.  He stayed here for approximately six (6) months before leaving.  He also, volunteered for Connections and when a spot opened up Daniel was hired too.  If it was not for Connections the homeless and the mentally ill would not make it here.  There is no other place like it in Delaware that does what they do.  Below is their web site so you can learn more about them and what they do for the community.

 William Francis

William Francis worked the whole eighteen (18) years he was incarcerated at James T. Vaughn Correctional Center. 

When released Mr. Francis came to the Harriet Tubman Safe House’s re-entry program while he re-adjusted to society.

He procured a position as a Head Chef at a restaurant in Wilmington for awhile and now has his CDL License to drive the Big Rigs… more on Mr. Francis to come…. 

 Norris Smiley - did 18 Years and cleaned his life up.

 Joseph Mandingo came to the Harriet Tubman Safe House then Moved On doing well.

 Troy Pritchett

Here is a guy I have been mentoring for the past several years and supporting him until he was released.  He did twenty-five and one half (25.5) years at
 James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna.  Since then he has turned his life around.  He is working and taking care of his family these days doing good.

George Safeli an African Success Story

Kamfinsa state Prison
PO Box 21596
Kitwe, zambaia
Central Africa

President Edgar C. Lungu
State House, P.O. Box 30809
Lusaka, Zambia 10101
Central Africa

George Safeli did 30 years at Kamfinsa state Prison and was pardoned by President Edgar C. Lungu.We have been working with George for a long time and finally he made it home. This shows that people all over the world need help to get their life back together and we are here to help them.Mr. Safeli has a sound business plan to get his life back in order together with his wife.We wish him well with his business endeavor and hope he is successful at it.  If anyone deserves it he does as he worked hard during his time in prison just so he could come home and take care of his wife and be an honest business man and make something of himself.

 George Safeli's Business Plan

 Below is a copy of Mr. Safeli's Discharge Slip from the Republic of Zambia Prisons Department dated March 21, 2015.

George was a loyal member of the Roman Catholic Church while in Kamfinsa State Prison.

Julius Schoolfield came to the Harriet Tubman Safe House and stayed for a short while and then was accepted at Forever striving in Philadelphia.  He is another success story in the making.

 Arthur Snipple came to the Harriet Tubman Safe House and stayed a short time.  He is now at the Sunday Breakfast Mission working as a cook.  Mr. Snipple saw an opportunity and he took it and moved on.  The Sunday Breakfast Mission helps a lot of people in Wilmington, Delaware that would stay homeless without their help.

Below is the website so you can see for yourself what they doing for the community.

 Arthur Wilson after doing about one and one half years at James T. Vaughn Correctional Center came to the Harriet Tubman Safe House. This was about eight (8) years ago.He slept on the sofa and made do.He then moved to Texas where a White man took him under his wing and they were off and running.They started a business and are doing well.

A law was passed by (Earl Wallace Woodlen, Jr.) that every wealthy individual should reach out and help some one who is in need of a helping hand.


There is nothing wrong with tides for the Church but you can do so much more by giving tides to others who do not have what you have.  You will see the outcome of what you do right in front of your face.  Pay it forward.

James Sinyard came to The Harriet Tubman Safe House and stayed for thirty (30) days.

While here he was accepted at House Of Joseph.  The House of Joseph has two residencies, House of Joseph I and House of Joseph II.  They do re-entry there as well as being a homeless shelter with a capacity for twelve (12) men. 
They are located at 1328 W. Third Street, Wilmington, DE 19805.
There phone number is 302-652-0904.  You can visit there website at:

 I have been watching his man who goes by "Little Pete" for the last twenty-five (25) years rambling through Riverside and Dunleith moving and shanking. He has done many years in prison but we finally got him. Now look at him  

He has nine (9) months clean after attending Empowered Men in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is what Philadelphia can do for you.

Mark Grayson came to The Harriet Tubman Safe House about two (2) years ago.  He then moved on to the Joshua Achievement Center in Philadelphia.  After completing their curriculum he returned to Delaware and got his life together.  Mark now works at the Delaware Food Bank.  He has been there for six (6) months now.  This is what can happen if you have a substance abuse problem and go to Philadelphia and get Treatment.  Afterwards people will care about you and give you a chance and hire you for work.  Below are the links to Joshua Achievement Center and the Food Bank of Delaware.

Shawn Fenton came to Harriet Tubman Safe House and stayed for about it thirty (30) days.  He was able to get an interview with TROSA the two (2) year Treatment Program in Durham, North Carolina.  You can read about TROSA at:

John Faulk came to Harriet Tubman Safe House and stayed only a few days before he got an interview with the Delancey Street Treatment Program.  He was accepted and went to Bruster, New York.  This is what can happen when you get your life together.  This is the kind of work we do.  We get you to a treatment program so you can go on with you life.  Below is the website for Delancey Street.

Curtis Gibbs went through Project Forever Striving for 18 months. On March 15 he will have four years clean.  He thanks Earl for helping him to change his life. He is a Men and Women for Human Excellence Gratitude. Also, Ready Willing and Able Graduate too.  Before this he had been addicted for 15 years to drugs.  Now with GOD and those who help the weak today he is stronger says Curtis.This is what can happen if you go to Philadelphia and hang in there.He is working in Philadelphia now with a good job making a good salary.

Revera Santangio came through our program then moved on with his life. He is working a full time construction job.

This Brother (Richard Perez) came through our program did 13 years of incarceration.  He then came home and got a job doing construction work then moved on with his life.  Today he runs his own Construction Business.  This is the kind of work we do.

 Tony Brown used drugs for ten (10) years.  He has been doing good since 2010.This is what happens when a man has had enough of the drug life and goes to Philadelphia and gets treatment to go on with his life.

Raymond Brution (Dusty) received 25 years awhile ago.  Today he is a free man.  He helped council me with his knowledge to help keep the young boys on the right path so that what happened to him does not happen to them.  He also is a volunteer board member of the Harriet Tubman Safe House and we value his input greatly.  On the left he is standing in front of a house on 2302 Carter Street that is being renovated for our clients.Dusty is doing fine these days.

Anthony Roy went to North Carolina to enter the TROSA two year Treatment Program. When he completed it he stopped by to say hi. He is a changed man.  He now works full time. There will be no more problems out of him.  That's him in the yellow tie below.

Stewart Corey came through the Harriet Tubman Safe House in back in 2008 but had some problems. He was at the 914 E. 7th Street location the first time and this time to 700 Buttonwood Street.He fell down but got back up.He came back again and this time successfully got his probation transferred to Pennsylvania where he lived.

Joe Redden is an ex-drug addict and dealer who has been clean for five (5) years. He now is running a construction business and living in Pennsylvania.
Joe comes to Delaware to go to Church at Spiritual Life (Church of the first born). He is an usher at the church with Pastor Gains.
Of the last twenty (20) years he did ten (10) or more of them in prison.

 Dion Lindsay is a man I ran after for a long time.  I finally got to him and he has been clean now for over eight (8) years. 

He went to the New Jerusalem Now Program and followed directions and did the right things.  He was an addict for ten (10) to fifteen (15) years.

He is now working with a limo service.  I ran into him at the Amtrak Station in Wilmington picking up clients and taking them to their destination. 

This is what can happen when you get your life together.

Marsha Robinson and her two sons, Aaron Rampersed and Luke Robinson were homeless and came to the Harriet Tubman Safe House at 914 on January 28, 2013.  They were here for over a week.  They then went on to the Ministry of Caring House 3 to get on with their lives.

This is one of my home boys helping out in the community. He attended Wilmington High School and went by Hat back then. That was 35 years ago. He is hanging in there best he can.

 Henry Watts got five (5) to ten (10) years in prison. He made parole in five (5) in Pennsylvania.  Pennsylvania in turn brought him back to Delaware because of a Violation of Probation charge he had to answer for. The Harriet Tubman Safe House was waiting on him to come to Delaware we had a bed ready  for him. when he got to Delaware the charges were dropped. It was not long after that either the Pennsylvania Parole Board came and got him or he got a ride and went back to Pennsylvania to serve out his parole. After that I feel he will move on with life because he is in the right frame of  mind and on the right track.

 This man you know him as Mums.  Look at him hes been around the world but is standing strong.  He is always there to help anyone who need it.  He donates money and helps people in any way he can.  He is a good man.

 This man came from the Latin American Community Center and stayed at the Harriet Tubman Safe House for four (4)  months till his paperwork came through for him to go back to Puerto Rico.

This is Debra Moser who is staying at the Sunday Breakfast Mission Women's Program with her family. She came through the Harriet Tubman Safe House Carter Street location before going there. We have four (4) beds at Carter Street and work with selective women there. You can read about the Sunday Breakfast Mission and Family Center at the below websites.
Women and Family Shelter and Discipleship Ministry

Sunday Breakfast Mission, Women and Family Center

Below are Veterans who came to Harriet Tubman Safe House & stayed while they help got accumulated back into society, then moved on to something more permanent.

 US Department of Veterian Affairs

Delaware Commission of Veterian Affairs

WWII U.S. Veterans Website

Korean War Veterans Association

Korean War Memorials - State of Delaware

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Memorial Site

Jerome Waterman did twenty-four (24) years down in Smyrna at James T. Vaughn Correctional Center.  When he got released he came to the Harriet Tubman Safe House for counseling and then went to the Best Facility in Delaware the Sunday Breakfast Mission. Website:

Kenny G. did 17 years and got a pardon from Governor Minner (he had 100 years) now he is preaching the word and helping the young brothers by mentoring to them.  That is him standing in front of his car.  The other picture is of David Scott in front of Kenny's car.

 Fred A. Brynard, Jr. spent twenty five to thirty years on the street getting high.  He used to hang on the street corner every day hustling.  Today he is a loyal member of the Bethel AME Church and sings in their Chorus.  On his fifteenth year anniversary of his being clean he sang the song "I just want to thank you" that day in Church at Bethel.  Mr. Brynard is also involved with 

The Breakfast Ministry Chorus.
Earl Woodlen, the CEO of the Harriet Tubman Safe House had a home back in those days on Kirkwood Street and remembers seeing Fred coming out at night hanging on the corner doing his thing... we fall down but we get back up and this man has done just that.  Now he is 

successful and living a good life.

 Charles Latchum

This is Charles Latchum's third time coming through the Harriet Tubman Safe House.  He got into a jam after he left here the last time and he had to go to jail for two (2) months and then was sentenced to the Gateway Program for nine (9) months and when completed the to the Harriet Tubman Safe House.

President Bush was kind enough to give inmates a second chance and so are we.
We feel he will make it this time and we are praying for him. That is why we allowed him to come back here for a 3rd time.The two ladies in the picture above love him and care about him so they brought him to the Harriet Tubman Safe House to be sure he arrived safely.

Barry Harms used to come to Bethyl AME Church for the 7:00 am service I used to say to him he needed to get into a program like the Sunday Breakfast Mission or somewhere else.

One day I was walking through the Sunday Breakfast Mission and I saw Barry there in the program getting 
it together. He said thank you Earl for keep putting the pressure on me to get into a program or I would never had done it. He said he was fighting drugs and alcohol for twenty years.

Barry did two years in the Sunday Breakfast Mission and now has two years and eight months clean. He has traveled to 51 one states in his truck making money.

Barry came back to the Sunday Breakfast Mission to thank them for helping him get a new start.

I was working with Barry for five years trying to get him to check in somewhere. I am glad he finally made the right move to get his life together.

Chris Coleman's Success Story

 About nine (9) years ago on Friday the 24th of December, 2003, Christmas Eve Day I picked up Chris Coleman at his home at 1019 Lombard Street, Apt. A in Wilmington, Delaware 19801.  He left with only a large bag in his hand.  I took him to the Coatesville VA Medical Center in Coatesville, Pennsylvania.

Coatesville VA Medical Center

1400 Blackhorse Hill Road, Coatsville, PA 19320

Ph: 610-384-7711 -- 1-800-290-6172

Web Site: 


It was not long before he left there and set out on his own with only a bag of tools.  Chris got a room somewhere and put the word out that he was starting a construction company and was looking for work.  It was not long until he had so much work that he was able to purchase a home and work truck.  He was off and running with his business.  He even has big screen TV's in every room of his home.  Not long after that he met his future wife to be and settled down and got married.

The thing about Chris was when he left Delaware he had twenty-one charges against him which he finally took care of but he turned his life around and made the best of what he had to work with.  You clean up well Chris boy.

Also, back in the late 70's before Chris left for Coatesville and was still in the game I had mentioned to him that I wanted to become a dealer so I gave him fifty-five dollars and he gave me a quarter pound of product to sell.  You could say he turned me out back then.  Today, I turned him back in by helping him to get to Coatesville and start to get his life back together.

This is what can happen if you get your life together and work for a living.  I went to his ninth year anniversary of being clean and was proud of the way he spoke at the reception and the respect that he is given by others.  
A lot of his friends and associates call him Uncle Chris for the guidance he provides to anyone in need.

If you are a drug addict, drug dealer or street walker, I am a bounty hunter and I am looking for you.  If you need my services you can reach me at 1.888.513.8585 or at my office 1.302.425.5758 for access to a FREE Treatment Program.  You can also e-mail us at , if you like.  I will turn you in if you need help instead of turning you out and down.  I can help make your life manageable. 

If you know anyone in prison anywhere in the United States or anywhere in the world give us their name, SBI number and the address of the Facility they are housed and I will write them and tell them about what we may be able to help them with and send then an application.

If the person in question is not in prison and they can make it to Delaware we will find them a FREE Treatment Program somewhere in the United States.

The best program out there in Delaware is the Sunday Breakfast Mission. 

There web site is:

If you are not in Delaware contact SAMSHA at their web site:
Luke 14:21

Go quickly into the streets & lanes of the city, & bring in the poor, & maimed, & the halt, & the blind.

 Chris Coleman is back in Town Working, Contributing to Delaware

Dr. Reverend Christopher Alan Bullock married Chris Coleman and his fiancée at Canaan Baptist Church. Chris would like to thank Canaan Baptist Church for all they did for him.

Chris says: I would like to thank the Dr. Pastor Townsend from the Resurrection Center and all he did for my family.  Also, I want to thank Ms. Bessie Evens my big sister, and my whole family for standing with me through all the drama.

Ms. Coleman who is up in heaven is looking down on them and thinking I spent a lot of money on you boy but it was well worth it.

Chris Coleman is back in Delaware working on family apartment buildings through his construction company.  He has procured a permit and he is paying taxes. I told you he had some good in him. Mr. Coleman thank you for paying Delaware back with some taxes. Chris has three or four employees working for him and they all are contributing to Delaware.  He is working on the corner of 8th street and Bennett Street here in Wilmington.

I went to pick up a refrigerator for Chris for a man that he helped get released on work release to work with him.  He is on an ankle monitor.  They trust Chris in the Philadelphia Work Release Program.You remember Chris he is the man who left about 10 years ago with just one bag in his hand.  Now he is working with helping other individuals who need it now giving back to the community.

Thomas B. Wynn served 18 years at James T. Vaughn Correctional Center before coming to the Harriet Tubman Safe House.  Mr. Wynn stayed six (6) months here and attended Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church.  While in Church he found a wife and got married.  They have been married for two years now.

Thomas volunteers at the Church which has him to assist Ms. Catherine Barbee who is 91 years old and has been a member of the Church for eighty one (81) years.  She just celebrated her Birthday on January 13th.   She was born in 1921.


One Sunday while Thomas was taking Ms. Barbee to church they stopped on the way and made a donation to the Beautiful Gate Outreach Center which is just next door to Bethel Church.


Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church

602-604 North Walnut Street

Wilmington, Delaware 19801


Bethel offers Service online on Sundays for those who are interested in having Service at home.

Rev. Silvester S. Beaman is the Pastor there.

Rev. Beaman is running for

 Bishop and the Harriet

 Tubman Safe House gives

 him its full support.


Antonio DeJesus came directly from Prison to the HTSH Re-entry Program awhile back. Earl is still his mentor to this day.

Antonio DeJesus wanted to go to the Wilmington Hospital but there were no rooms available at that time.  I spoke with one of the volunteer board members there about a friend of mine (Antonio) trying to get into the Wilmington Hospital but there were no beds available.  He said to me, give me your number and I will see what I can do and call you when I know something. He called awhile later and was able to get Mr. DeJesus into the St. Francis Hospital, where they took very good care of him.